Have you ever noticed when a child wants something, they want it NOW? Not tomorrow, not this evening…now now now. If you have children, you’re probably nodding your head. Or maybe you can remember being that way yourself – I know I was.

But as an adult, everything changes, and we make slower decisions. Sometimes that’s good. And other times it’s not. We often put ourselves on a wheel of indecisiveness and procrastination, missing opportunities and foregoing our dreams.

Are you doing that with your coaching ambitions?

Maybe you’re going back and forth in your mind whether now is the right time to take your coaching skills to the next level.

But here’s the thing….

There will never be a perfect time. There’ll always be external circumstances that you can use to justify whether it’s the right – or wrong – time.

There’s a lot of distraction out there, and coupled with your own self-doubt, it can be paralyzing.

And this is where you have an opportunity to tap into your own self-awareness. Recognize the doubt for what it is, center yourself, focus on your self-awareness, and move forward.

Which leads us to a very important step to becoming a coach: Self-awareness.

For a coach to be able to help others tap into their own self-awareness, you, yourself have to understand who you are. Self-awareness as a coach is about mastering your thoughts, emotions, and building your coaching competence and confidence.

When you know yourself, you’re armed with the most powerful fear-conquering ammunition there is. You also have a stronger sense of direction for where you’re going and can overcome thoughts of self-doubt that pop up.

So, here’s what you can do today. Right now, in fact (and any time those fear-based thoughts pop into your mind).

Center yourself and remember why you’re on this journey, why you want to become a coach.

Take a moment now and write down the answer to this question: Why do you want to become a successful coach?

Don’t just stop with the first answer that comes to your mind. Keep digging to unveil your deepest, most motivating why.

Think beyond ‘to make money’ or ‘to help others’. Dig deeper. What would it mean for you if you made more money by helping others?

Could you have more time with your family and friends? Could you build a strong business that provides for your family? Could it mean paying off debt so you can be debt free?

Now ask yourself: What am I willing to do in order to move toward my goal of becoming a coach?

This is your fuel.

Always come back to your why.

And remember: There is no perfect time. There’s only the present. And what better time than now to become the coach you’ve dreamed about? 

You don’t have to do this alone. Here at the AVEKORP RESOURCES Team, we’re ready to help and support you through your learning and professional development.

Whether you want to coach individuals who need life coaching, work with executives who come to you for help to lead their teams with excellence, or be a coach for teams and groups so you can help even more people, the AVEKORP RESOURCES Coaching Plan.Building a solid coaching practice, start today. @ AVEKORP RESOURCES avekorpresources@gmail.com